Selling your green ingredients

Selling your <span>green ingredients</span>

Are you a producer or supplier who has green ingredients?

Discover a new way to highlight and sell your ingredients online and become part of our marketplace. Advertising your ingredients on the platform  is completely free of charge. It expands your exposure to people who are searching for green ingredients online.  In addition, this will allow you to save on your staffing costs due to the fact your online sales will increase.

We are a specialized website aimed at making the food market more green and sustainable. Become a partner of Greenfoodfinder and start uploading your ingredients and bring them directly to the attention of production companies who want to be green.

Use our marketplace to increase the amount of online requests. As an Ingredients Partner of Greenfoodfinder you get the opportunity to provide a full explanation and application advice about the special properties of your green ingredients. We will also organize (annual) seminars where Greening will be the central topic and Ingredients Partners have the opportunity to actively contribute to this. Become a partner of Greenfoodfinder and you will benefit from the  greening process that Greenfoodfinder realizes with our customers.

Place your ingredients free of charge on and receive requests for samples, quotes and orders from potential buyers.

Want to know more? Contact us directly.